Camp World’s CEO Marcus Lemonis has argued that despite the fines on the final line, they have refused to take a large American flag.
Daily fines do not stop the world’s CEO Marcus Lemonis high and proud of the huge old glory.
“This is not the first time this has happened. We have been dealing with this for years, and we have these flags nationwide, and I have been a small child. It was a part of the fabric, “Lemonis said,” The final result “on Monday.
“We treated it in a state building. Morgan Hill, California, Onasca, Wisconsin, and now Green Building, North Carolina.
If you are operated by one of the 250 Camp World RV dealers, it is difficult to overlook a large and famous American flag that is flying on its property. However, when the Green Building place in the camp world raised their place in October, New York PostThe problem began with a local zoning staff.
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The flag in the camp world is said to be 15 times the permitted size, and the 130 -foot flagpole is too large. Since Friday, the company has been penalized for about $ 1,150.
Marcus Lemonis, a Camp World CEO, says that it accepts daily fines from the local green building government to the giant American flag of a dealer’s company. (Getty Image)
In response to Fox News Digital, the Greenville City has revealed that sizing regulations are ongoing, and the camp world is allowed to raise the flag. The Greenville Public Relations In charge of the Green Building recognized the “department” of the community created by the city council, and unanimously on January 25, “I started text correction, and one of the 3,200 square feet flags. There are various restrictions on the flag with the flag and the maximum flag height of 130 feet.
This amendment will be presented to the city planning and Zoning Committee in February before the final approval of the Greenville City Council in March.
“I believe it, so I’ll do it. I’m an immigrant in this country. This country gave me a living and gave me the opportunity to hire 13,000 people. CEO maintains the flag. He explained his decision to do.
Business executive and entrepreneur Marcus Lemonis is working on the prolonged division and warrior environment brewed in Washington.
“And I know that is my way to express how much we believe in a veteran and our customer base,” he added.
He claimed that his crackdown on his patriotism actually hurt his business and said, “Why a small example of things. [get] It is more expensive. “
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The artists based on the island of Staten are protesting new driving taxes that forced to take the subway in a series of terrible crimes, forcing more NYC commuters and visitors to take the subway. “I wake up.”
“The business that sells camper cars is to enjoy the outside,” Lemonis pointed out. “We have basically created inflation in regulations if it is necessary to regulate business and add a layer of expenses and maintain profitability.”