Creatine is generally considered to be tasteless and odorless. However, some users report a slightly sour smell, which is not bad at all. If your new creatine smells bad, return it to the manufacturer for a replacement or refund. It’s also important to pay attention to where you store it, as creatine can be affected by heat, humidity, and direct sunlight. Sealed creatine containers can last for a long time, even a year or two past the expiration date. However, if the container has been opened for more than 36 months, it should be replaced.
Creatine should be odorless

First, let’s be clear: creatine should be odorless.
That being said, some users have described it as having a slightly sour smell.
Some people say it smells a bit like chalk.
This all stems from the fact that we all have different senses, and some people may be more sensitive to smells than others.
However, if you’re buying creatine for the first time, there shouldn’t be any unpleasant odors, even if you’ve been using it for a long time.
Why does creatine smell like fish?
If your creatine supplement smells like fish, it may be that the product has gone rancid or deteriorated. Creatine monohydrate is generally a stable substance and does not have a strong fishy odor. If this is the case, we recommend discarding the supplement and avoiding its consumption.
I researched the creatine smell phenomenon on the internet and was very surprised by what I found.
In fact, I have noticed on various online fitness forums and Q&A websites that many people are complaining about the smell of creatine.
This is when you will immediately know that there is some problem with that particular container.
In fact, one user claimed that they had just purchased a brand new container and upon opening it, they were hit with a very strong fishy smell.

As mentioned above, creatine is supposed to be odorless, so even if it does smell, it’s not a bad thing.
So, our fishy friend clearly received a container that had gone rotten for some reason.
He mentioned that he purchased creatine decanoate, which is slightly different from the standard monohydrate.
Creatine Decanate is micronized creatine.
This means that creatine is essentially a monohydrate, but the molecule has been broken or split.
This essentially increases the surface area of the creatine, which can aid in absorption and reduce stomach discomfort.
This is just one example Different Forms of Creatine.
But in reality, different types of creatine shouldn’t smell like fish.
There was definitely something wrong with his container.
Even small amounts of water that come into contact with creatine during manufacturing can have an effect.
But if your creatine smells like fish, you probably shouldn’t be taking it. May make you feel sick.
Return the creatine immediately to the manufacturer for a replacement or refund.
Does creatine cause body odor?
To be honest, I often laugh internally at some of the things I read online.
In fact, some creatine users are convinced that taking creatine makes them smell like onions.
He “tested” this himself.
He said that on the days he took creatine, he definitely smelled like onions.
And this was after he had washed and showered.
However, he decided to try it out by going without creatine for a few days and claimed that the onion smell went away.
Now, I’m not going to go into the specifics of this person’s personal hygiene, diet, or even sweat glands, but this is obviously very strange.
Creatine is not only tasteless and odorless, but it also doesn’t change your body odor.
Now, while our onion-loving friends are convinced that creatine is the obvious culprit, I suspect there may be another explanation.
Therefore, we can state with certainty that creatine does not cause body odor.
Where do you store your creatine?
So now you know that if your new creatine has a pungent odor, you should definitely return it.
But what if you’ve been taking creatine for a few weeks and suddenly start smelling awful?
This may have to do with where you store your creatine.
Always store creatine in a cool, dry place.
As with most powders, it is not recommended to store it in places where temperatures exceed 70 degrees.

Ok, I understand that this isn’t always possible depending on the temperature of your climate, but of course do what you can.
However, if you store your creatine container outdoors, especially in a place exposed to heat and direct sunlight, it will likely go bad.
Additionally, humidity can also have an effect.
Therefore, do not place the container near cooking appliances or microwaves.
Do not place on a window shelf where it will be exposed to direct sunlight.
It is not a good idea to store it next to the boiler.
You probably Do not store ant-type supplements in your car, especially during hot weather..
Indeed, storing creatine in a warm environment or in direct sunlight may not be effective at all.
But why take that risk?
How much creatine are you taking?
Another thing to be aware of is the expiration date of creatine.
Most supplements have a specific expiration date.
This is usually within a maximum of three years of the product’s manufacture.
But in reality, creatine in a sealed container will usually last for a year or two past its expiration date if stored in a cool, dry place.
That being said, if you have an opened container that is more than 36 months old, we recommend throwing it out and replacing it with a new one.
Most of us probably buy creatine and use it regularly.
Therefore, it never gets close to the actual expiration date.
But this is definitely something to be aware of.
Should I use creatine capsules?

I know some users are put off by creatine because of its strong smell.
So, you might be persuaded to take creatine capsules.
In reality, if you purchase quality creatine, there is no difference at all between tablets and powder.
I’ve heard that capsules are absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly, but I’m not too concerned about that.
The goal of creatine supplementation is to inject a large amount of creatine into your muscles and maintain that state.
So once you achieve this through loading or regular intake, it largely doesn’t matter how “fast” the creatine is absorbed.
Creatine powder is cheaper than capsules, so it’s worth considering if you’re on a budget.
Additionally, creatine capsules also have an expiration date, meaning they can essentially “spoil.”
In reality, it’s simply a matter of personal preference.
As you can see, if your creatine smells rancid, it probably means there’s something wrong with it.
Creatine should definitely be odorless, but if it does have a slight odor, it shouldn’t be rancid.
If it is a new container, return it to the manufacturer.
Also, make sure to store creatine in a cool, dry place.
Additionally, remember that creatine has an expiration date, so be mindful of how long you’ve had the container in storage.
This solves the “smell” problem, but there’s another common complaint. Why does creatine make you feel hungry??

Hi, I’m Partha, the owner and founder of My Bodyweight Exercises. I’m a Level 3 Personal Trainer with the British Register of Exercise Professionals and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. I’ve been going to the gym regularly since 2000 and training clients since 2012. My goal is to help you achieve your body composition goals.