Written by Chris Snelgrove | issued
Although some parts may seem quiet now, X files He was known for subverting 90s conventions, such as when he produced Home, to the point where the FOX network refused to air it again outside of the 1999 Halloween event. Still, the network clearly had enough faith in the show that there was little backlash against the writers, as Mulder and Scully’s misadventures fit right in with the network’s cutting-edge programming. But Fox was worried about it X files The storyline could have ruined the show, forcing the writers of “Lazarus” to change the plot point of Mulder’s body being inhabited by another man.
The X-Files Lazarus Plot

That may sound like a pretty crazy plot, even by the world’s standards. X filesbut “Lazarus” is a story about a bank robber who has the ability to put his mind into another person’s body. Broadly speaking, the story plays out like one of the show’s typical tales, with Mulder fervently believing body-hopping is real and Scully expressing clinically polite skepticism. Masu. But initially, the episode’s writers didn’t want Mulder to simply theorize about body-hopping. Instead, they wanted him to experience it for himself.
Mulder’s original idea

According to X files Screenwriter and producer Howard Gordon said the Fox network wanted to change a plot point in “Lazarus” in which the robber puts his consciousness directly into Mulder’s body. In his words, “The network is […] Mulder balks at the idea of experiencing such supernatural events firsthand. ” Gordon said that in addition to specifically protesting the concept of “soul swapping,” Foxx also objected more generally to the protagonist being used in such a way.
As mentioned before, Fox usually didn’t disagree with many things. X files The writers wanted to do that, and this made their opposition to key plot points in “Lazarus” so notable. According to Gordon, things got so bad that “we got angry and stood up in arms.” As it turned out, winning the battle with the network was nearly impossible, and the writers and producers were forced to change the episode with great reluctance.
But eventually, Gordon came to understand Fox’s decision on the matter. X files This story was a “wise decision” and ultimately made “Lazarus” a stronger episode. Honestly, as long-time fans of this show, we have to agree…witnessing the tension between Mulder’s beliefs and Scully’s skepticism in any episode is extremely rewarding, though. It’s equally rewarding to determine for yourself what’s “really” going on with these seemingly supernatural plots. Frankly, if the show had confirmed its supernatural shenanigans so blatantly in season 1, it probably would have lessened its impact in later seasons.
The tension between Mulder and Scully’s beliefs was effectively mirrored by the tension between them. X files “Lazarus” writers and networks. But it’s hard to deny that the network made the right decision here, preserving the mystery of the story while ensuring future episodes walk the line between revelation and skepticism. This episode ultimately negated the soul swap the writers had originally planned, but it might be for the best…sort of. imagine How weird would this show’s fanfiction be if the other guy inside Fox Mulder had canonically appeared in season 1?