Chris Snellgrove | Published
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fans often discuss which characters are the funniest and saddest. But the biggest question about these beloved heroes and villains is that a few fans have Not once Going out of your way to ask: Which character has the best arc? According to Buffy Creator Joss Whedon, the surprising answer to this is Spike, the villainous vampire who ends up with the show’s arc sacrificing his life to save the world.
Spikes get the best arc

Given the incredible journeys Buffy himself has gone through, it may be a bit surprising that Whedon thinks Spike has the best arc of those. But his logic is very simple. As the showrunner told SF TV, Spike went out of his way to gain his soul in an attempt to become a better man. Whedon contrasted this in direct contrast to Angel. He claims, “I stabbed him a soul for 100 years and opposed it.”
Buffy Comparisons of creators are inevitable. I had Angel and Spikes very Similar narrative arcs make them almost impossible not to compare. Of course, the perfect deal for Angels is that he was cursed with his soul by the people of Calderash after he killed their most beloved daughter. The curse is intended to make Angel feel a huge sense of guilt towards everyone who killed as a vampire, and before his arc meets Buffy and becomes a champion against evil, he is insanity and shame. I forced them to experience the difference.
He was around since season 2 Buffy the Vampire SlayerThe sixth season set the main arc of Spikes by revealing his character at his worst. This was the season when he and Buffy (newly resurrected from death) had a toxic but physically passionate relationship, and was totally complete with the hard sex that literally defeated the house. But near the end of the season, Spike attempts a rape buffy. Buffy is the horizon of moral events that for many fans means that the character has surpassed red.

Certainly, that seemed so Buffy the Vampire Slayer After this, he couldn’t redeem the Spike, but Joss Whedon gave him an arc in season 7 and did just that. Spike assumes a series of difficult trials to get his soul, and his love for Buffy motivates him to become the kind of person who will ultimately sacrifice his life and save the world. I discovered that. It was an arc that surprised the fandom, but it should not really have it as Whedon had the foundation for it year.
for example, Buffy Ark has always presented Spikes as a character who pivots around love. Back in season 2, Spike actually helped Buffy save the world. Mostly because he was tired of his girlfriend, Drusilla, hanging from the Angel. This strange buffy (“You need my help” because your girlfriend is a big ho?”), but this incident is a sort of meat pamphlet, and that spike is for love. I’ll do anything.
Speaking of which, it turns out that Season 5 episode “Fool for Love” is clearly Spike (or William the Bloody, named after his “bloody, terrible poem”) when he was still human. I’ve done it. She was practically his muse, and inspires the poems she later refused along with Spike himself, declaring that the addicted poet was beneath her. This sets up his conversion with Dursila’s hands, but Spike always…well, he’s a love fool long before he became an immortal vampire, and he everytime Above all, romance is motivated.

For all of the witty irony Buffy the Vampire Slayer Spike’s arc reveals the serious and emotional core of the show as a whole. I’ll do it Conquer everything. Love persuades the mass murderous vampire rapist of a soulless rapist to become the hero who gives his life in the final episode to save the world. By moving from the lowest depth to dizzying heights, Spike achieved unexpectedly the best character arc in Whiddonverse, as Joss Whedon himself cleverly planned.