As for how you spend the rest of 2024, you have two options.
- Path A: “I’ll start again in January,” he says optimistically.
- Path B: Treat it like a beta test for 2025.
Our brain tries to convince us to choose path A.
Choose path B.
Here’s how beta testing works:
We put our lives to the test and find out what we want to work towards in 2025.
We don’t expect to keep doing the perfect workout routine, or running perfectly every day, or following an optimized diet 100%.
- I want to be someone who goes to Pilates and yoga But are you worried about sticking with it? Great! Sign up for one class this week or next week. Give it a try! It’s not a lifetime commitment. Just try and see if this is something you want to do in 2025.
- I want to become a truly strong person. Do you want to tone your arms or know getting stronger is important? You don’t have to follow a perfect training plan. Be brave. Go to the gym and do weight training.
- Do you want to be someone who has a better relationship with food? You don’t have to plan out your meals for the next 40 days, you don’t have to plan out each and every meal perfectly. Healthy eating I don’t mind getting prepared.
The fun thing about beta testing is that you can stop working without feeling bad.
You’re an engineer and you’re working on a project to see if it fits your lifestyle and schedule. You’ve dabbled in a variety of fields. Sample a variety of foods from the buffet linesee what works for you.
Your goal should be to experiment and find a workout strategy and diet plan that works for you and that you can implement more regularly by the end of the year, so that instead of starting from a complete halt on January 1, you start with the knowledge and momentum of what actually works. for you.
Sign up for any classes you’ve been wanting to try.
Give yourself permission to try different diets and fail.
Try different productivity strategies.
Let go of the strategy that you keep trying to implement and failing. They won’t work for you.
Let’s try something new.
After all, 2024 is just a beta test for 2025.
What will you be testing out and trying this fall?