Jonathan Klotz | Author issued
If you asked the average Highlander fan what is the worst part of the series, they would say: Highlander II. If that’s the answer, I don’t think they’re looking Highlander: Sourcea SyFy original made for television in 2007, is probably better known. Both films had some disastrous failures, but spin-offs emerged between their respective releases. This sounds completely insane on paper. A Highlander comic book set in a far post-apocalyptic future, with no blood but an implied decapitation.
Highlander: Animated Series It ran for 40 episodes and, despite its insane concept, was ahead of its time with better characterization than any live-action film.
Immortals after the apocalypse

Highlander: Animated Series The film follows Quentin MacLeod (“Same Clan, Different Vintage”) centuries after a meteorite crashes into Earth and wipes out nearly all life, leaving the Immortals with a “prize” on the line. The mission was changed from fighting against the enemy to protecting humanity’s knowledge. They called themselves Jetters and specialized in various aspects of knowledge, from history to atomic energy, that could be passed on through non-bloody quickening without decapitation. One of the immortals, Coltan, refused the oath and ruled the wastes as a tyrant, decapitating other immortals according to the old ways, but he was doomed to defeat by the Highlanders.

This shouldn’t work. After all, the central tenet of the Highlander rules is “There can only be one.” Highlander: Animated Series is entirely based on “What if we worked together for the greater good?” This works because even good guys aren’t perfect, and most bad guys either have a sympathetic background or are morally ambiguous. This manga doesn’t shy away from muddying the waters between good and evil.
shades of gray in the cartoon series

Malone, Cauthan’s wild sidekick, will always remain in my heart. Because after seeing him constantly being a nuisance for multiple episodes, we finally get to see his origins and how he went crazy. It’s a dark episode, turning one of the most annoying characters and his annoying laugh into a tragic figure. Highlander: Animated Series Shepard, an immortal with knowledge of satellites, never shy away from his tragic backstory, to the point where he chooses to live in exile, blaming himself for a meteor that fell on Earth.
Highlander’s ups and downs

Highlander: Animated Series It was broadcast simultaneously with the famous TV series starring Adrian Paul as Duncan MacLeod, and is now recognized as a golden age for adventure series. rear Highlander: Endgame The theater was bombed, sauce This was denied by everyone involved, and the series went on hiatus shortly after it aired. We still know almost nothing about it until Henry Cavill, who lives the dream of geeks everywhere, fixates on a remake that’s been in the works for what feels like forever.
Although the franchise has seen better days, Highlander: Animated Series It is currently available on multiple streaming platforms including: peacock, Tubi, pluto tvand amazon freevive. No prior knowledge is needed to enjoy this series, as it discards all the rules of the original film and live-action series. That makes it a great entry point for new fans.
If you’re a disillusioned fan of the series, this is also a breath of fresh air. If done right, it shows that the stories of Immortals and The Source have depth (for after-school comics) and plenty of room for great characters. , and of course the amazing soundtrack.