Tammy has reason to celebrate now.
Let’s be honest, she’s had reason to celebrate for a really long time, even if she’s not exactly humble.
The veteran reality star, who will soon return to the airwaves with new episodes of 1,000 Pound Sisters, has lost an incredible amount of weight over the past two years.

Here’s a sneak peek at next week’s Season 6 premiere of the reality show. Published by People Magazine38, is in the midst of an appointment with bariatric surgeon Dr. Eric Smith, along with her siblings Amy, Amanda, Misty, and Chris.
Doctors are very proud of the patient’s progress, noting that he no longer needs a wheelchair to get around.
“At my rock bottom, I weighed about 725 pounds,” Slaton says, before the video cuts to a flashback to when she stepped on the scale in 2002.
“The last time I saw Dr. Smith was about nine months ago and I weighed about 420 pounds. He told me I had to lose 100 pounds before my next appointment. I was so nervous. I am.”

Capture important moments. To Tammy on this scale. and…
…represents 303.8 pounds! It’s really amazing!
“I exceeded Dr. Smith’s goals, my goals, all my goals!” Tammy says in the video. “Ready to peel!”
As previously mentioned, Tammy has lost over 500 pounds at this point. She no longer needs a breathing tube and can sit in the passenger seat of a car by herself.

“I was really excited for Tammy and incredibly proud of her progress, but I wasn’t surprised,” Smith told People magazine.
“Tammy is dedicated to making sustainable lifestyle changes to maximize the effectiveness of her surgery. I look forward to her continued progress as well as long-term We have emphasized the importance of making small adjustments every day to ensure success.
“She’s serious about her health journey.”
The TLC personality is inching closer to qualifying for skin removal surgery, which will help her continue on this amazing path.

Throughout her journey, Tammy has been very honest about the impact her mental health has had on her physical body, and just last month she revealed that it was her battle with food addiction and depression that led to her initial weight gain.
“Spiritual warfare is real,” Slaton wrote on Instagram on September 23, adding at the time:
“The mental aspect plays an important role.As a depressed and food addict, I would often channel my emotions into food…
“It’s not just about food, it’s about addressing the deeper emotional challenges we face. Healing starts from within and to show you that you are never alone in this fight, I would like to share my thoughts with you. I’m here to share my journey.