Sister’s Wife Stars Kody Brown When I talk, there is one of his best moments Robin Brown As Season 19 returns to the TLC screen, it is about to unfold with a new episode. In a clip from the “Tell All” segment using Sukanya Krishnan, he explodes when it appears that there is no answer to some of the questions he asks him.
Sister Wives: Kody Brown lost because of words?
Sister’s Wife Fan favorite interviewer Skanya Krishnan asks Kodi Brown questions who is not tired of the imagination. They are easy. However, when she waits for his answer, he appears to collapse. Oops, there’s Kodi going and at some point he shuts down the interview.

The final few seasons will cut off after incorporating the destruction of Kody’s polygamous marriage, so you’ll expect the interviewer to talk about it. But when she plays Kodi, she looks uncomfortable. You may hit a painful place for Sister’s Wife patriarch.
So instead of answering the question, he brings it back to her. He groups Skanya with those who follow his choice. Kodi tells Skanai that he is so tired of protecting himself by loving Robin.
Kodi defends herself by loving Robin Brown
Sister’s Wife Fans wonder if this will become Kody’s new catchphrase when they try to keep his family out of responsibility for the end of the game. We all know that we can’t help who we fall in love with, and this looks like a new campaign from our 18-year-old father.
Fans don’t blame him for loving Robin. But what they found a kind of awkward thing was how he took on four wives, but loved only one of them. Except for Robin, he was proud to be able to love four women equally, initially, despite saying he never loved his wife. Focus on equality.
What people don’t get is how he treated his three ex wives. He refused to ask them to divorce, but instead made their lives so miserable that all they could do was leave.
The sisters’ husband’s head makes everything into his life to Robin
Sister’s Wife Fans suggest that Kody Brown can yell at every interviewer he wants, but that still doesn’t change the facts. It was accompanied by side effects of Meri Brown, Christine Brown and Janelle Brown cutting herself off from Kody.
For this reason, Kody also appeared to be denial of his child. At the same time, he is estranged from many of his children, and he becomes this super father to Robin’s children. He does what Robin’s children only wanted to do with them.
And as much of this hits the sister’s wife’s screen, his estranged children watch as they deal with Robin’s children. He took Aurora Brown to stab the ears of what some fans tagged as “esque scenes.” Kodi praises Robin’s daughter for her respect for Kodi. Fans suggest that he sounds like a proud father who admires the toddler.
Kody appears to emphasize Aurora’s actions as a nasty daughter. This is a claim that he had not been obtained from other wives’ children. He is seen on screen spending a night of games with Robin and her kids. There are so many of these that his estranged children may be watching. This is what rattles the fans, not the ones that Kody loves.
So, where from Sister’s Wife Fans are sitting today, they don’t care that he loves Robin. What peers into them is the lack of love that shows to the children of other mothers on the TLC screen.
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