The minister responsible for government company authorities David Amsalem has approved payments by the defense company.
The minister in charge of government company authorities David Amsalem today approved the distribution of trapped dividends by state-owned defense company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. “Grove” learned that Raphael transferred 444 million nis to the state. Previously, Defense Minister Israel Katz approved the move.
Amsalem praised Rafael’s 8,500 employees for his contribution to Israel. The minister said the company is a model of excellence and boldness in Israel’s defense industry, and dividends will be an important tool for continuing the country’s defense.
Amsalem directed Roi Kahlon, the director of authority for government companies, to pursue aggressive policies in all competitive government companies. In this context, significant dividend payments are expected next year with the aim of supporting war needs and funding the state budget. Amsalem emphasized that strong and efficient state-owned enterprises are a key component of Israel’s economy and should be operated with the aim of maximizing profits and applying those profits to the interests of the public, as well as paying dividends.
Raphael plans to release his 2024 finances towards the end of March. These will probably represent another record year for the company, as in the case of the Israeli aerospace industry, which released its finances at the end of 2024, marking a record $25 billion order.
Published by Globes, Israel Business News – – March 13, 2025.
©Copyright of Globals Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2025.
David Amsalem Credit Noam Moskowitz, Knesset spokesman’s office