That’s exactly what hacker GaryOberNicht, who recently discovered how to run custom firmware on Alarmo, did in a video. Posted in Mastodon and their X account yesterday. In it, you play by turning or pushing the mushroom-shaped blob on top of the Alamo to move it, and by pressing other buttons to shoot or open doors. Look here:
Gary said “It is possible to completely load the shareware version of Doom from USB without modifying Alarmo.” And they provided the software and instructions to run it. on Githubso almost any knowledgeable and determined Alarmo owner can do it. Best of all, you can run it without opening the clock at all.
How did they pull this off? Gary explains: blog post After another person named Spinda Hacked Alarmo After dumping the firmware from memory (using Flipper Zero), Gary figured out how to point the Alarmo to the custom external firmware using USB mode and the USB-C port instead.
Given that it seems easy to reproduce what Gary did, Alarmo software mods almost certainly won’t end there. doom. Of course, how far the online community’s efforts to turn the Alarmo into a bizarre gaming machine will go will likely depend on what Nintendo, which has been particularly active in copyright disputes lately, thinks of it.