While some people are seeing lower heating costs thanks to plummeting oil prices, the cost of heating a U.S. home with electricity, natural gas, or propane is Set to jump up to 10% For the winter of 2024-2025. The spike is due to power grid failures, rising gas prices and a winter expected to be colder than average, especially in the Northeast and Midwest.
It’s helpful to have your thermostat set to this exact temperature, but you can also turn the heat down even further and rely on the warmth from efficient electricity. space heater As the weather gets cooler. This is an especially viable option for those who have a home office, keeping their central heating thermostat low and directing the heat to the room they occupy.
So, how much can you save by using a space heater? To find out, we did the calculations. While there are big variables such as local energy prices, the type of energy used to heat the home, climate, and home size, we relied on broad national averages to find the answer. It turns out you can save hundreds of dollars, or up to $500, when heating a large home using expensive oil.
Due to high energy costs, we are looking at space heaters as a money-saving mechanism.
Check out more ways to save money this winter here 5 tips to save money on your energy bills, Where should I move my thermostat to reduce heating costs? and Best energy-saving smart gadgets to help reduce your bill.
How much does a space heater cost to run?
The running costs of a space heater vary depending on the type of heater you have, including its size and wattage. Small personal heaters can be purchased for around $20, while whole room heaters can cost up to $300, depending on the model and heating capacity. Larger heaters cover a larger area and are more effective (smaller heaters installed in larger spaces are less efficient), but they also cost more to run.
Energy efficiency must be considered. This is tricky when it comes to space heaters. Not currently rated by the Environmental Protection Agency energy star program. As a result, you should take the manufacturer’s word for it.
Finally, you need to consider your state or municipal electricity rates. This determines the expected hourly cost of running the space heater. These prices may also determine how long you want your space heater to run.
On average, about It costs 20 cents an hour to run an average space heater. It has 1,500 watts and can heat a standard room like a home office or bedroom. If you run it for 8 hours per day, you’ll pay about $1.60 per day, or about $48 per month.
How much does it cost to heat a typical home?
Heating costs in the United States typically exceed $2,000 per season.
Comparatively, the cost of heating a home varies widely, mainly depending on the size of the home and the type of fuel. Below is the content Energy Information Association We predicted that U.S. households would spend on heating from October 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025, or 181 days. A graph of the expected costs of different types of fuel to heat a home in a climate 10% colder than the national average in the winter of 2024-25.
US Heating Cost Forecast for Winter 2024-25
Cost per US household (October ’24 to March ’25) | Average price per day | Average price per hour | |
natural gas | $637 | $3.52 | $0.15 |
kerosene | $1,564 | $8.64 | $0.36 |
electricity | $1,095 | $6.04 | $0.25 |
propane | $1,345 | $7.43 | $0.31 |
Can a space heater really reduce your energy bills?
Although $50 a month seems like a lot of money for heating, space heaters are not a perfect replacement for heating your entire home. But there are many ways to save money by using a space heater to supplement your monthly warming and reduce your energy bills. If you think about it, heating your home isn’t efficient because you’re not in every room all the time.
This chimney style space heater adds warmth and ambiance.
It is natural to compensate for the ballooning heating costs, but thermostat If you want to heat a room you know you’ll be in for a long time, such as your home office during the day or your living room at night, use a space heater. In this exercise, you will calculate how much you can save by using your heater for one-third of the day, or eight hours.
Using the numbers in the first graph, we calculated the average cost of running a space heater for eight hours and the cost of running a whole house heat using each of the four most common types of fuel. We then multiplied each total 8-hour cost by 181 days (October 1st to March 31st).
From there, you can get a snapshot of the cost difference between using a space heater versus central heating, and the potential savings when using a space heater for part of the day.
You can save money by using your space heater for 8 hours a day.
Price per 8 hours | Save 8 hours with a space heater | Save money with space heaters from October to March | |
natural gas | $1.20 | -$0.20 | -$36.20 |
kerosene | $2.88 | $1.28 | $231.68 |
electricity | 2 dollars | $0.40 | $72.40 |
propane | $2.48 | $0.88 | $159.28 |
If you use oil or propane as your fuel, you’ll save a whopping $159 on propane and $231.68 on oil in just the winter season. Those who use electric heating will save less, about $72 each, while those who use natural gas, which is currently very cheap, will pay about $36 more with their heaters.
But these numbers don’t tell the whole story.
CNET investigation: 78% of Americans are stressed by high utility bills
The bigger the house, the more money you can save
One big caveat to these numbers when it comes to estimating heating costs is that they cover all homes and housing types in the United States, including small apartments and condos. For example, heating an average freestanding home with oil using a 75,000 BTU furnace will probably cost you closer to 50 cents per hour. PickHvac heating cost calculator. This is an annual average. Focusing on the winter months will only make your cost per hour even higher.
The larger your home, the more expensive it will be to heat your home, but space heaters can save you a lot of money. For example, if your home is twice the size of the average home in the United States, replacing your space heater for eight hours could potentially double the amount of money you save. For households that rely on heating oil, this could save more than $500 in one winter.
Households in colder climates are able to save more on average
Keeping your thermostat set at 68 degrees or below in the winter is also a way to save money on your utility bill.
The figures provided by the Energy Information Association are based on a climate that is just 10% colder than the national average. The EIA numbers are a rough estimate of heating costs in the United States, but if you ask anyone in North Dakota, upstate New York, or Vermont, they’ll tell you these numbers are decidedly lower. As an anecdote, we spoke with Deb Barber of Wakefield, Rhode Island. Barber uses oil to heat her 2,000-square-foot home and reports that her monthly heating bill typically exceeds $400 in the winter.
Using a low estimate of 50 cents per hour to heat a freestanding home of approximately 2,000 square feet with oil during the winter months in cold climates, the savings would be if you used a space heater for 8 hours instead of central heat. will jump up. Over $400 for the season. If you trade in for more expensive oil, electricity, or propane, and prorate it for the same scenario as above (a larger home or apartment, and a colder climate), the potential savings can reach thousands of dollars.
If you’re considering adding a space heater to reduce your energy costs, we did some research to find out: Best heater of 2024, Choose from budget-friendly options, compact models, space heaters perfect for large rooms, and more.
How does the cost change depending on the space heater setup?
The running cost of a space heater varies depending on its size and power.
Most space heaters will give you options to adjust the level of heat the appliance provides. Most have some form of “low,” “medium,” and “high” settings. These settings usually correspond to the wattage used to heat the room.
If you have a space heater that can produce up to 1,500 watts, and you put it on the “low” setting, it may only use 750 watts of its capacity. This affects the overall energy consumption required by the space heater. You can cut your daily costs in half. However, the space heater’s heating capacity may be limited. It may be best to use low settings to maintain warmth and only medium or high settings to provide additional heat. save costs.
Heating devices are useful appliances, especially when the weather outside is bad and you need to dress in layers. However, you should be prepared for the cost of using a space heater. If you’re not prepared, an additional $50 per month in utility bills can have a big impact on your budget. To get through winter in comfort without breaking the bank, consider how to best balance your budget and heating.
How to choose the right space heater
Most room heaters run on electricity.
If you need extra heating in the winter, or want to warm up a cubicle in a particularly cold office building, space heaters are a great option. But not all space heaters are created equal. You need to consider how much space you are trying to heat, how you will heat the space, and how much energy you will use.
For most people, a standard space heater that covers an average room is sufficient. These cover about 200 square feet and are typically around 1,500 watts. If you want to heat under a desk or a small space, a personal space heater of about 400 or 500 watts is a good choice.
Two Main Power Space Heater Types to Consider
Use caution when operating space heaters.
Most space heaters fall into one of two types when it comes to heat production. There is convection heaterit works by a heating coil that helps heat the air and spread it across the room with a fan. after that, radiant heaterwhich emit infrared radiation to help warm the area.
Radiant heaters are faster but more concentrated, while convection heaters provide even heat over the entire area. For small explosions, radiant heaters are more efficient, but for spaces that require long-term heating, convection may prove more effective.
No matter which space heater you choose, be sure to check out our products. Space heater safety guide.
If your utility relies on time-of-use plans, learn more. Peak and off-peak hours To save money. For more information, please check Small home upgrades that can save you big on heating costsand Easier ways to save money around the house.
Here are 23 ways to save money on your electricity bill right now
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Editor’s note: A previous version of this story featured energy costs for 2022-2023. Updated to reflect. US energy cost projections for 2024-25.