Chris Snellgrove | Published
If you’re a big Star Wars fan, you’ll have a Disney+ subscription so you can experience all the content on Galaxy far away. Well, almost everything: To this day, House of Mouse has never created an original, non-specialized version of the original trilogy that can be used to fans either physically or digitally released. Incredibly, decades-old versions of the original cuts of the first Star Wars movie are now easily available through streaming via Roku’s Cinema Box app. And the fact that it was suddenly removed proves that Disney has become an empire against fans who keep the studios in business.
Star Wars original Cut Street controversy
When we say this was Star Wars The original cut, we’re talking about the version before the film receives its subtitles, New hope. In other words, the version in which the Film Cinema Box was aired was before 1981, when George Lucas first made it a name. Episode IV. This version of the film disappeared when the film box was removed from Roku, but the fact that they used a free third-party app to create a non-specialized version of this iconic film proves how much Disney has fans even though they run this franchise on the ground.
At this point, some Star Wars fans (especially young people) may wonder why it is so important to make the original cuts of these films available, especially as special editions are already available for streaming. Of course, one reason is aesthetics. With subsequent revisions, each film was extremely ugly…check out the awful CGI music sequences added to the Palace of Jabba. They also effectively ruined some of the best scenes. For example, George Lucas kept Han Solo not shooting the Vedas first, and repeatedly said “no” to Darth Vader while Luke Skywalker was zapped by the Force Lightning.
The main reason why Star Wars original cuts should be streamed to Disney+ is that they are versions of these films that all generations of fans have grown to watch. For reasons that have never been completely clear, non-specialized versions of these films were not available on Blu-ray or streaming via more official channels. Incredibly, the only way fans usually experience these original versions is to pirated them. Most fans don’t want to break the law and don’t know where to look, so the best version of this legendary sci-fi trilogy is Not once It is legally viewed by another fan.
Without wearing you a full tinfoil hat, we cannot see this as anything other than a small force movement on the Disney side. Having the original trilogy watch as intended will have side effects… which means how will fans start to make it happen? bad Spin-off shows like Boba Fett’s book And more Obi-Wan Kenobi It’s when compared to the best franchises. But by allowing only versions of these films to be streamed, filled with bad CGI, bad editing and unnecessary dialogue, Disney can help conceal the ongoing failures in this franchise by implying ongoing failures in this franchise from the start.
Unfortunately, House of Mouse doesn’t realize that suppressing the original cut from the Star Wars streaming is like a Grand Moftarkin bends his strength. After the huge failure of the sequel trilogy, the studio should work first and foremost to restore the faith and goodwill of the fandom. But the fact that the film box showed us a version New hope That Disney+ Not once Will prove that Disney never makes fans happy and continues to pull out warm slops from sci-fi’s most beloved franchise.
At this point we have to ask: they really are that Are you surprised that we didn’t open our mouths wide or beg more?
sauce: Men’s Journal