Sister Wives stars Kody Brown and Robyn Brown have purchased a $2.1 million mansion in Flagstaff, Arizona. There are also headlines that suggest the home purchase is in violation of a court order. There’s even crazy talk that he might go to jail over this. That’s complete nonsense. Let me explain why we become hysterical.
Kody and Robin purchased the approximately 8,000-square-foot home on Friday in the name of a trust they manage. The main home measures 5,600 square feet with four bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms. There is also a bonus room, formal living room, and theater room. There is also a 2,300 sq. ft. guesthouse. There are two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Additionally, there is a 2,200 square foot RV garage. And a garage that can park multiple cars.
Kody Brown and Robin put down $420,000 for a 30-year mortgage. The principal amount of the loan is $1.68 million. If they have good credit and get the best loan rate, their monthly mortgage payment will be closer to $12,000. Taxes and insurance will also be required. and they already there is another house Mortgage of approximately $2,800 per month. That’s a lot. Monthly housing payments are close to $150,000. That’s 1.8 million yen per year!

Sister Wives: Kody Brown and Robyn Brown buy Flagstaff mansion for $2.1 million
As a result, some sites claim that Kodi’s purchase of the house violates a court order in Christine Brown’s lawsuit against Kodi. She is suing to prove that she is Truly Brown’s father. Because he wasn’t listed on her birth certificate. And she wants back child support and child support.
This is a family court case. In Utah, injunctions are automatically granted whenever a family lawsuit is filed. This deals with harassment, defamation, assets and liabilities. So these armchair experts say Kodi is violating the part about not disposing of or concealing assets. However, that part of the injunction does not apply. It only applies in cases involving the division of property or division of debts.
For example, in a divorce, it might be splitting up who gets the house, the car, or who pays student loans or credit card debt. The lawsuit brought by Christine is not of that kind. And so far he does not owe her any money. The lawsuit is ongoing. So far, his paternity has not been confirmed by Truely. Once that is done, the court will issue a judgment regarding child support.
Still, Kodi can buy and sell as many houses as he wants, as long as he pays them back on time and in full…
Sister Wives: Is timing important to Kodi?
However, there is one thing that seems to link the timing of this large house purchase to Christine’s case. One is that the down payment is high. They spent $420,000. It was 20% of the house price. This means you can avoid expensive PMI (private mortgage insurance). It also means Cody doesn’t have a lot of cash on hand in case a court decides he owes a significant amount of child support.
Courts often create payment plans when issuing such lump sum judgments. But if Kody had a lot of cash in the bank, they might let him buy it all at once. Another problem with injunctions is the non-contempt part. Parties are prohibited from speaking ill of each other when the child’s voice cannot be heard. If so, I don’t know how they were able to record Season 20 of Sister Wives.
SW Season 20: Why Kody bought a new mansion before Kristin’s case went to court
The injunction went into effect on the day Christine filed her lawsuit. It was the day after season 19 started. That is, what they said in the confessional and the scenes that have already been filmed. Therefore, the injunction does not apply. The lawsuit will continue until a final judgment is rendered. If there is a Season 20, Kody will have to learn to watch his mouth unless he grants an exception to the injunction. Or maybe they are actually violating the injunction.
But in terms of buying this big house. No, Kody Brown is not at risk of going to prison. He has not violated any court order. He’s not flaunting the injunction. He is just building a big house for his only remaining wife and responding flexibly to the situation…