Los Angeles Lakers players jackson haze Before his arrest in 2021, he went on a rampage, hurled abusive language, and even touched his then-girlfriend. Sofia Jamora During a heated argument…and it was all captured on surveillance video.
TMZ Sports We have obtained footage and images from sources close to Jamora…that are relevant to her ongoing lawsuit against Hayes.
The July 2021 controversy began when Jamora accused Hayes’ dog of injuring a smaller dog, and the 7-foot model was attacked at around 1:35 a.m. She swore it looked like she was dragging him from one room to another. With him to let her go.
Jamora ran off-camera into another room…and Hayes followed her and said, “Is that your fault?” Before I heard a “bang” sound. Jamora then begged Hayes to leave.
At 1:47 a.m., Hayes reappeared on the Ring camera…and his cousin tried to calm him down, to no avail. The NBA player returned to Jamora’s room, but heard a loud crash…and Jamora seemed to yell. She felt pain when she asked Hayes to stop.
Eight minutes later, Jamora is seen walking up the stairs with Hayes trailing behind her…but she repeatedly tells Hayes to let her go and leave the house.
At 2:02 a.m., they went outside…and Jamora threatened to call the police.
“I’m not going to let you hit me anymore,” Jamora said. “What am I supposed to be like, a punching bag?”
As Hayes was walking back into the house, he pushed Jamora aside, then turned around and spat in her direction.
Ms. Jamora then told Hayes’ cousin to remove him from the property…saying, “I don’t know what else to do.”
When Hayes returned indoors, he remained feverish, breaking things and knocking over furniture.
Photos taken after the incident appear to show bruises on Jamora’s legs and arms.
As we previously reported, police were called to the home, but Hayes pushed them away before being shot with a taping gun. arrested. The incident left one officer injured and Hayes said he was unable to breathe at one point, leading to an investigation into excessive force within the Los Angeles Police Department.

July 2021
Haze at first charged with 12 crimes …but ultimately pledged not to resist arrest and false imprisonment. He was sentenced to three years’ probation, 450 hours of community service and domestic violence classes.
He was not punished by the NBA.
We have reached out to Hayes’ team and Jamora for comment.