I know it’s been a while since then. “The Flash” ‘ was released in theaters, but I had to say this after watching the movie again. maxI think it’s obvious. michael keatonHe is the best actor to play the Caped Crusader.
Keaton played the main character in tim burton-Director’s superhero movies date back to 1989. Although many fans were skeptical of the controversial casting, after the film was released they were happy to have him in the film and welcomed him back for the 1992 sequel.
This is why Keaton reigns as a comic book hero.
He laid the foundation for the ‘dark’ Batman
batman 1989 [credit: Warner Bros.]
Before Michael Keaton, fans’ only Batman was Adam West in the 1960s TV series, which, while it had its moments, was actually more creepy than dark. West plays the character in a more comical way, which may have been good in the 1960s, but doesn’t respect the original story.
Keaton took this character into dark territory and allowed Batman to chase him, but only after he had to walk in the Batsuit, which was a breath of fresh air to see. It was a breath of fresh air.
His origin story is more tragic

batman 1989 [credit: Warner Bros.]
In the original comics, Bruce Wayne’s parents are killed by criminal Joe Chill. And that tragic event propelled him into becoming a caped crusader. It’s a great origin story, but a few things were changed in the 1989 movie.
In Tim Burton’s film, Jack Napier, aka the Joker, kills Wayne’s parents. However, this is before Napier becomes the Joker, but it does serve as a major link to why Batman has such genuine disdain for the Joker, and makes their hero-villain dynamic more apparent. are.
He took on Kryptonians without kryptonite.

flash 2023 [credit: Warner Bros.]
Spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen “The Flash” yet. Keaton’s Batman defeats the Kryptonian Nam-Ek in the coolest and shortest showdown in the DCEU. There, Batman grabs a Kryptonian by the neck and attaches a bomb to it, finally knocking out the alien. The final explosion causes it to fall to the ground.
You can take comfort in knowing that Keaton is the only Batman to defeat the Kryptonians without kryptonite. Even Affleck couldn’t prove it.