joshua tyler issued
stupidity It is now considered one of the funniest and most predictable science fiction films ever made. But that was hardly the case. At the time of release, stupidity It was a huge bomb. no one saw it, stupidity It made no profit and disappeared from theaters in less than a week. It’s thanks to the work of fans and independent publishers that we know it exists today.
of stupidity The failure was no accident. Even though the Mike Judge-directed comedy was likely to be a sleeper hit at the box office, 20th Century Fox decided to cancel the film before it had a chance. The reason behind this giant company’s decision will be familiar to those who follow the film. Along with what Google has done to this website specifically and independent publishing in general.
How corporate bias against big brands erased uniqueness
At that time, the director mike judge Finished making office space, beavis and buttheads Ten years after his debut, he had his sights set on other projects. This time he wanted to make a time travel movie that mocked the current direction of American culture. Fox was already making a lot of money working with Mike Judge, so they gave Mike Judge that money.
The judge called his new comedy movie, stupidity.
How Fox intentionally destroyed Mike Judge’s movie

With a clever script helmed by Mike Judge and backing from a major film studio, stupidity It looked like it was ready to put on an impressive theatrical performance. There was just one big problem. 20th Century Fox deliberately decided to scrap this movie.
Things first started going wrong in March 2005. stupidity ‘ was shown to test audiences, but the response was so poor that 20th Century Fox ordered reshoots that postponed the film’s release date indefinitely.

By April 2006, the judges were satisfied with the film enough for the Fox team to announce a September 2006 release date. Fox agreed to release it, presumably because it was contractually required to do so. That contract didn’t require us to do anything else.
As the film’s release date of September 1, 2006 approached; stupidity He was dead on arrival. Fox made sure of that by releasing the film in just 130 theaters across the United States to audiences who didn’t know it existed.
Fox never promoted this film. Not at all. stupidity We didn’t even get a trailer for the movie.
The only promotional material anyone ever saw was two low-resolution photos, but a few independent sites like Cinema Blend caught it and gave it their all. It wasn’t much work.
People can’t go see a movie if they don’t know about its existence. and no one knew stupidity It existed.
kill stupidity

I found out about it because I was heavily involved in covering Mike Judge for my first independent entertainment news site, Cinema Blend. Other sites, especially those of major brands, made no mention of Judge’s next film.
stupidity ” had not been pre-screened to critics, so I drove to the only theater showing it in Dallas, Texas, on the day of its release with the intention of buying tickets. The movie wasn’t listed on the theater’s marquee, so the ticket seller looked confused when I asked him to pay to see it. He took my cash (they still used the green paper stuff back then) and had to check with the manager before letting me in.
Corridor markers indicating which theater stupidity was showing, and it looked as if it had been printed on the Cinemark theater manager’s personal inkjet. The theater where the movie was being shown was empty and I watched it alone and laughed to myself.
Two days later, Cinemark stopped showing the movie altogether. It lasted less than a week, but it was very entertaining and the dozen or so people who saw it loved it.

My review was one of only five posted on the internet and featured on Rotten Tomatoes. Only three of those reviews were positive. As expected, the most negative opinion came from a picky critic at Entertainment Weekly, one of the two major brand outlets that reviewed the film.
stupidity The film ended its theatrical run after a week, grossing less than $500,000 worldwide.
Fox is crushing complainers for the same reason Google is crushing independent publishers.
Fox killed their own movie. why? Most people now believe that they were afraid of offending their corporate partners.
throughout stupidityAmerican corporations are held to be the main adversary and the main cause of the anti-intellectual culture that has ruined the world. This movie takes a pretty nefarious turn against companies like Starbucks.

From now on, Starbucks will stop serving coffee and start offering blowjobs. Costco is now its own city-state.
President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho, played by Terry Crews, embodies this corporate mockery. He is a former professional wrestler and porn star who gives over-the-top, ridiculous speeches while addressing the nation and firing machine guns.
In a 2018 interview with GQ, Terry Crews admitted that real-life advertisers poured money into the film.I thought it would receive a positive portrayal. they were shocked to find out stupidity They turned their business into a full-fledged massage parlor and accused them of destroying the entire world.

If Mr. Cruise’s claims are correct, it would confirm that Fox was contractually required to release the film, even though it feared upsetting its business associates. So they released it, doing everything in their power to make sure no one saw it. All to avoid offending big brands.

Ironically, this was the same excuse Google recently gave to independent websites when asked why it favors old media. Some things never change.
Judge Mike still has nothing bad to say about Fox.

Taking a more diplomatic approach, Mike Judge usually points to insufficient test screenings of the film as the reason. stupidity never received starbucks style Complete release. The judge also stated that Fox always believed the film would eventually become a cult classic among audiences.
I don’t know if I’ll buy it or not. He sounds like a man trying not to offend his partners at the firm.
However, it is true stupidity It quickly became a cult classic, no thanks to Fox.
How independent publishers can work with fans to save their stupidity

Few independent websites reviewed stupidityworked hard to spread the word. when stupidity Released on DVD. This is an independent site that supports readers who have seen places like: Cinema blend raving After thinking about it for months, I picked up a copy and gave it a chance.
Those people watched the DVD, laughed, and were instantly converted. they shared stupidity I shared it with my friends and my friends also shared it with their friends.
Thanks to the spontaneous sharing of Mike Judge’s movies and the support of independent entertainment sites, just about everyone knows about it now. stupidity This is a genius time travel piece.

You’ll even see praise from the same big media brands that ignored it back in the days when you had to pay to actually see it.
will do stupidity Has it become a cult classic with no independent media? It’s amazing, and I’d like to think so, but this movie was completely buried by Fox, so I’m not sure.
What we do know is that this scenario is unlikely to repeat itself again, as Google continues to shadowban independent media and small publishers and lock them out of the internet.
Mike Judge’s Journey to the Singularity

to understand what happened stupidityyou have to understand Mike Judge, the creator of the time travel film.
In 1993, Judge got his first big break with his debut film. beavis and butthead. This was an MTv animation hit about two teenage boys who are never the best and always get into trouble. In between making fun of MTV’s music videos, of course.
The program has become something of a lightning rod for controversy, especially from watchdog groups. beavis and butthead Its counterculture reputation and the start of its creator’s career. Beavis and his partner “ beavis and butthead do america.
Soon after, Mike Judge started a popular animated series called. king of the hill At Fox. On a roll, he shifted to live-action films, writing and directing one of the funniest workplace comedies of all time. office space. He co-starred Jennifer Aniston in this film, which was one of her first major film roles.
Mike Judge was in great shape when he decided to do the following: stupidity He is now so traumatized by the whole experience that he can hardly talk about it.
A future filled with stupidity will come

Since 2005, stupidity Joe Bowers, played by Luke Wilson, focuses on the most shockingly average member of the United States Army. Joe is upset when he learns that he will be removed from his job as a military librarian to participate in a government-sanctioned hibernation experiment. He also experiments with a prostitute named Rita, who was probably recruited because she would do anything for money.
Joe entered the experiment convinced that it would only last one year. Unfortunately, the government forgot about this project after the lead researcher was jailed for misconduct. Joe wakes up 500 years later in a world vastly different from his memories. Most of the time it’s different. Because everyone in the world is very, very stupid because of the overpopulation of stupid people.

It will be called the number one movie in America in the future. buttthat was all for 90 minutes. The butt is always on screen. It won eight Academy Awards that year, including Best Original Screenplay.
All my crops are dying because I’m watering them with energy drinks. The English language has degraded into a mixture of hillbilly, valley girl, inner-city slang, and various grunts.
Joe was once considered an ordinary guy, but now he is a genius.