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Common Weight Loss Stages: Understanding Your Journey

7 Min Read

Are you frustrated by your weight loss plateau? You’re not alone. Lose weight Sometimes this follows a two-phase pattern: a first rapid phase Burns stored sugar It releases water and then stagnates. This deceleration Normal And you can overcome The right strategy.

Understanding that there are different stages to weight loss can be extremely helpful, especially when it comes to managing expectations and building sustainable habits.

Here’s what you need to understand about the two common stages of weight loss.

How to approach the different stages of weight loss

While it may be tempting to try to lose weight as quickly as possible, that’s probably not the best way to maintain a healthy weight in the long term. Instead, aim to lose weight gradually. 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kg) Per week.

According to the study: 0.7% of body weight per week is considered a reasonable target. This rate minimizes muscle loss and promotes fat loss. Anything more than this Muscle loss and Slow metabolism Over time, it will probably become something you want to avoid.

The journey to weight loss is rarely a straight line. Most people lose weight in stages, experiencing periods when weight loss is faster and easier and periods when weight loss plateaus.

Early weight loss

The body stores energy Two main methods: Glycogen (sugar) and fat. Simply put, glycogen is like a refrigerator. Readily available energy Fat is like a freezer that stores energy. Long-term needsGlycogen is Binds to waterSo when glycogen is depleted, water weight also decreases.

Weight loss plateau

As your body adapts to calorie restriction, Weight loss may plateauAlthough this can be frustrating, it’s a natural part of the process. Weight loss plateaus occur as a result of metabolic adaptation. Survival Mechanism—It’s your body’s attempt to regain weight in order to stay alive.

Lose weight slowly Maintaining muscle mass has been shown to be beneficial for long-term health and sustainable weight management. Rapid weight loss can be Loss of muscle masswhich can lead to metabolic stagnation.

Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss: Understanding the Difference

As you progress through the various stages of weight loss, it’s important to understand the difference between fat loss and weight loss. Although some people use both terms interchangeably, they are different concepts.

Fat loss leads to weight loss, but not all weight loss is due to fat loss. Losing fluidsResults seem to come faster.

Weight loss means losing a combination of fat, muscle, and water, but fat loss is specifically Adipose tissueUnlike Muscle tissueSupports movement and strength, and hydration Physical functionExcess fat is Many health risksinclude:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure

Weight loss Your calorie needs to survive change, making you hungrier and making it harder to maintain weight loss. Adequate protein Regular exercise helps you build and maintain muscle mass.

Keep in mind that relying solely on the scale can be misleading because it doesn’t distinguish between fat, muscle, and water loss. Instead, consider ways to measure your body composition or take progress photos that will more accurately represent your progress.

Fun fact: The average MyFitnessPal user logs about 5,720 workouts per minute. Apps– It’s free!

What to do if your weight loss plateaus?

In the middle of losing weight, Your body may adapt You may increase your current calorie intake to conserve energy and hit a frustrating plateau, in which case you may benefit from taking smaller steps to reach your weight loss goal.

According to Dr. Nabil TariqThe weight-loss surgeon at Houston Methodist Hospital gives this example:

  • Avoid crash diets: Dr. Tariq explains that crash diets “slow your metabolism and reduce lean body mass, making it harder to maintain weight in the long term.” Plenty of vegetables, Lean Proteinand Whole grains meanwhile Minimize processed foods and Sweet treats.
  • Strength training enhancement: Build Muscles Try incorporating different types of exercise for at least a week to help your body burn more calories and lose weight. 150 min Once a week. “While aerobic exercise is an efficient way to burn calories while you’re working out, building muscle will also help you burn calories when you’re not exercising,” says Dr. Tariq.

Nutritionist Denise Hernandez recommends another strategy.

  • Meal Tracking: This is a good way to figure out your current food intake and gradually adjust your calorie deficit to lose weight. For example, after tracking, if you notice that you are consuming an average of 2100 calories, you can create a calorie deficit of 250-500 calories and start your weight loss journey. Most people make the mistake of reaching a plateau and then having no more room to lose. My Fitness Pal It helps you track your diet plan and control your weight loss process.

If you try these strategies and don’t see any real progress after a few weeks, it may be helpful to consult with a medical professional. A registered dietitian can work with you on a more individual level to help you reach your goals.

“The weight at which your body remains stable when engaging in healthy behaviors is called your ‘best weight,'” he said. Sean Wharton, MD (and his fellow researchers) What you experience as a weight loss plateau may actually be your body reaching your ideal weight.


Lasting weight loss can be a tough journey, so remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution and everyone’s timeline for weight loss may be different.

While you may see quick results at first, it’s very common for weight loss to plateau. Understanding the different stages of weight loss can help you take the best action to achieve better results through healthy habits.

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