Case 1:23-cr-00257-TSC Document 226 Filed 08/27/2024 Page 14 of 36 34. bcdef Defendant says, “I don’t care about links, I don’t need them. [Georgia Secretary of State]I have a better link.” Defendant asked about rumors that paper ballots cast in the election were being discarded, and the Georgia Secretary of State’s general counsel explained that the claim had been investigated and was not true. Defendant claimed that 5,000 dead people voted in Georgia, and the Georgia Secretary of State responded, “Mr. President, the problem you have is that the data you have is incorrect. The actual number is two. Two. Two people voted.
[your information]The defendants alleged that thousands of out-of-state voters cast ballots in Georgia’s elections, but a lawyer for the Georgia Secretary of State said, “We’re looking at those separately, and the numbers we have are: [Defendant’s counsel] I’m just saying that’s not accurate. Every single person we dealt with lived in Georgia, moved to another state, and then came back to Georgia legally. They came back years ago. This looked nothing like what happened right before the election.” In response to several other allegations by the defendants, the Georgia Secretary of State’s counsel informed the defendants that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation was investigating all such allegations, but that there was no basis for them. The defendants stated that they needed to “find” the 11,780 votes, implying that the Georgia Secretary of State and her counsel could be subject to criminal prosecution if they failed to find election fraud as he demanded, saying, “And then you’re going to find out they’re rigging the election. This is totally illegal. It’s, it’s, it’s more illegal for you than it is for them, because you knew what they did and you didn’t report it. It’s a crime. And you can’t tolerate that. It’s a crime for you, and it … [the Georgia Secretary of State’s Counsel]your lawyer.” The next day, on January 3, Defendants falsely claimed that the Georgia Secretary of State had not addressed Defendants’ allegations and publicly stated that the Georgia Secretary of State was “unwilling or unable to answer questions about ‘under the table’ fraud, ballot discarding, out of state ‘voters’, dead voters, etc. He has no clue!” – 14 –
Read the New Trump Indictment in the Federal Jan. 6 Case

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