when NASA Launched a spaceship on the asteroid, scientists are patient, space I hope to shake in the lab, and to answer some of the most eternal questions of mankind.
For Dany Gravin, a senior sample scientist, he wanted to solve the relentless mystery in his life. amino acidMolecule to build protein?
His moment arrived nearly 10 years later. Gravin and researcher team investigated the grit from BenneAsteroid with a rich carbon Made with loose and tied rocksBut what they found threw a curve ball to them. Rather than supporting one of the main hypotheses, it did not support the initial solar system that supported the left -handed type and brought those ingredients to the primitive earth, but it did not show any favors. 。
“I have to admit, I was a little disillusioned or disappointed,” Gravin said. “I felt that our lab and my career have been disabled for the last 20 years.”
NASA’s asteroid sample reveals important chemical properties that can lead to life.
Researcher Jason Dworkin holds vials including Bennu samples.
Credit: NASA / James Tralie
Many amino acids have two mirror images, regardless of whether they are used in biology. Each molecule has a central carbon atom attached to another atomic group in one or opposite direction. This property, It is called a kiralityLike the left and right hand. They are similar, but if they accumulate them, thumbs will hack the opposite method.
In the life of the earth, amino acids are always “left -handed”, sugar, which is partially configured with DNA backbone, is always right -handed, giving the right side of its characteristic twist on the right. The uniformity found between both is particularly confusing for scientists because the left and right versions of all molecules are equally available in non -biological chemicals.
In fact, if all biological molecules take the opposite shape, it may work normally. So, if life had taken other paths, why not? The uniform “dominant hand” is the secret of the recipe of life, and I did it more specifically. Have Turn left? Was the bias for left -handed amino acids began in space, or did this planet happen later?
“The fundamental question for everyone is whether life must be so,” said Iris Chen, a professor of UCLA’s chemistry and biological molecular engineering, who is not involved in asteroid research. “Is the universe the prerequisite of our lives, or is our biology the result of an accident and coincidence?”

NASA chose carbon -rich asteroid Benne to study the chemical origin of life.
Credit: NASA
Scientists knew early on the use of materials collected by NASA’s $ 800 million OSIRIS-REX mission. Origin, spectral interpretation, resource identification, and security -Legoris ExplorerAnalyze the “dominant hand” of individual amino acids. Bennu mineral fragments may be older than 4.6 billion years ago. Where maybe these Stardust grains come from Dead stars or Supernova It finally led to the creation solar And the planet.
Mashable light speed
To do their research, they brewed a certain kind of “bennty” and excluded organic compounds by boiling small rocks and dust with water and acid. Next, we used mass -specific analysis technology to identify organic molecules containing 14 of the life life and build a protein to execute genetic instructions. some The latest survey results It was released in the journal this week Natural astronomy。
“I have to admit, I was a little disillusioned or disappointed. I felt that our lab and my career have been disabled for the last 20 years.”
In the past few decades, researchers have found it met stone -The rock that moved the space Crashland On earth -the concentration of left -handed amino acids was higher than right -handed amino acids, nearly 60 %. Probably, cosmic rock supplied compounds and thereafter, chemical reactions near the earth. Deep sea vent Form the first cell. The rest is probably evolution.
These results have led to the knowledge that space rocks have fired planets for many years, and that scientists believe that the ancient asteroids, which are the time capsules of the solar system, will reveal more left -handed amino acids. If the solar system actually had more left -handed, the cosmic polarized light was probably the culprit. A slight favor in the environment can turn into a large disparity over time.

Scientists believe that the collision between the MET stone and the planetary body may have led to the origin of life chemistry on the early earth, including left -handed amino acids.
Credit: NASA’s Godde Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab Illustration
However, Bennu researchers have discovered that left -handed and right wings come equally. Currently, I believe that gravin is invalidated in earlier research on MET stone, and may probably be polluted with earth proteins when it falls on the ground. Jason Dworkin, Project Scientist OSIRIS-REX missionI believe that there may be another reason that Benne hit the trend.
“Benne is not actually a collection because it is an example of a one -type MET stone that is so fragile to be unbearable,” says Dworkin.
Probably in reality, the design of life was determined by coin flip. When successful patterns were established, the template continued through evolution. The protein, enzyme, and small drivers in cells fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. If life appears with left -handed amino acids, if you switch to right -handed amino acids later, everything may not work. Uniformity has a great advantage. If people are based on right -handed amino acids, they cannot eat or digest plants or animal products based on left -handed amino acids.
Created by researchers Biological protein mirror version There is a right -handed amino acid in the lab. It works in the same way, but it is much more difficult to destroy. Usually, enzymes that disassemble them are useless. The tool does not work if the plug and the outlet do not match, like an international vacation hair dryer.

The left -handed and right -handed version of amino acids from MET stone.
Credit: NASA illustration
Some scientists, taking into account the meaning of this problem, have expressed concerns about the future development of mirror cells in the research institute. If people are infected with harmful mirror, their immune system is defenseless and may not be able to fight back. A biologist group recently wrote A wide range of papers As for the risk, as reported New York Times。
Despite the gravin’s disappointment that Benne did not present the Cility Bias, research is continuing. He and his collaborators plan to study more asteroids to investigate other amino acids.
And there may be silver lining: some space biologists propose using molecular imbalance. Biosite。 If both types are mixed evenly with a sample outside the earth, it may suggest that molecules were chemically created without any involvement of living things. However, one type of excess can be an alien life clue.
“Firth, in fact, it may actually make life search easier in some respects.” If one is amplified, there may be biology behind it. I believe it is. “