The company is a manufacturer and supply of special chemicals, including hydrocarbons, oil, gas, purification, and petrochemical industry, and is a customer with various applications in the industrial field.
This IPO is composed of a new issue of a total of 15 billion rupees, a total of 150 billion rupees, and a total of 350 billion rupees, a face value of 5 rupees.
In addition, the total issuance is composed of a face value of 5 rupees, which is up to 500 billion rupees in total. On the other hand, the sale is composed of shares by Menon Family Holdings Trust.
Dorf-Ketal Chemicals India, founded in 1992, is one of the major manufacturers in the development, commercialization and application of special chemicals in India. The company offers two categories, a special chemical for hydrocarbons and a special chemical for industrial chemicals.
DORF-KETAL CHEMICALS Indian customer base
As of October 31, 2024, the main customer basis include Reliance Industries, Petronas, PPG Industries, Liberty Energy, Italiana. Includes A. In six months until September 30, 2024, the company had 1,322 customers.
In 2023, the company ranked first in oil fields, purified chemicals, petroleum chemicals, and fuel additives in India and Brazil, and also ranked number one, organic metal titanate, jilconate, PVFFF. It was the world’s top market share in the profit market and gained the world’s top class. According to the F & S report, the top 5 companies in the world of fuel additives.
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DORF-KETAL CHEMICALS Indian manufacturing capacity
As of October 31, 2024, the company has 16 manufacturing facilities in four countries, breaking at 8 locations in India, two in Brazil, three in the United States, and three in Canada. is. As of September 30, 2024, the cumulative capacity of eight India manufacturing facilities is 147,770 MTPA, but the cumulative equipment capacity of Brazil, US and Canadian manufacturing facilities is 194,770 MTPA.
The manufacturing facility in Mundra, Gjarat is the largest facility, with 98,900 MTPA installed. It is also one of the world’s largest manufacturing facilities in organic metal titanium. Dedicated research and development facilities are located in India, Singapore, Canada and Brazil. The company has 542 patent registration outside India, of which 99 have 29 patents in India, in India, and have a small world of Indian chemical companies with global brand awareness. It is one.
Dorf-Ketal Chemicals Indian financial results
From 2022 to FY2024, operating income increased by 45.47% CAGR to 547.9 billion rupees, and EBITDA increased with 60.54% CAGR to 950.4 million rupees, and re -calculating tax after annual tax. Increased in CAGR of the current term/50.18%in the year, 620 million.
Dorf-Ketal Chemicals India’s chief manager
JM Financial Limited, Citigroup Global Markets India Private Limited, HSBC Security and Capital Markets (India) Ia Private Limited, Morgan Stanley India Company Private Limited, and Motillal OSWAL INVESTMENT ADVISORS LIMITED are book running leads. I’m a manager.
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